Why do so many companies prioritise the wrong channels?
Today, the majority of all customers start their “trip” in digital channels, however the customer service of most companies and organisations handle a higher share of customer inquiries by telephone than, for instance, chats or video meetings.
Author: Jan Wärmlind, Director Business Development
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/janwarmlind/
As a customer, you’re all too often referred to a telephone number or an email address when/if encountering problems online. If you then pick up the phone and call the customer service, the person who answers almost never has a clue about what you are doing or have done on the website in question.
According to a survey made by CEB, more than 60 % of all customers who pick up the phone and call a company’s customer service are “digital”, and 40 % are still online during the call!
An unnecessary amount of time is wasted and opportunities to close deals are missed every day. Attend to your customers proactively in their own environment and when they need your help, as opposed to passively waiting for them to call.
If the customers do call, your employees should be able to talk to them while also showing your products/services or support pages on the web.
If you want to find out more about how companies and organisations have been able to stop forcing their digital customers to call them, while also increasing the conversation rate and customer satisfaction online, I will gladly tell you more in person.
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