Vergic ranked as one of the 7 best AI Chat Bots 2019 by Hubspot

In an recent article on Hubspot, Vergic was mentioned as one of seven best AI Chat Bots 2019. Together with IMB Watson (also a partner to Vergic), Boldchat and LivePerson we where listed to offer technology that stands out in the jungle of Bot vendors.

Vergic offers an AI-powered chatbot that can serve as your businesses’ first line of customer support, handle transactional chats, and transfer more complicated problems to your actual customer service agents. It’s like a hybrid chatbot that can boost your employees’ productivity.
By leveraging natural language processing and natural language understanding, Vergic can also perform sentiment analysis, share documents, highlight pages, manage conversational workflows, and report on chatbot analytics.
Clifford Chi, Hubspot
Read the article on Hubspot [activecampaign]